Saturday, December 5, 2009


It has been agreed upon that the entire newsletter not be put on this blog, in fairness to those who have paid their EFA dues.
I am putting in the hi-lites of the newsletter. I hope you will enjoy it enough to decide to pay dues (only $15.00 for 5 years!), so you can enjoy ALL the newsletter. You'll find Jack's mailing address in the right column.
If your dues are paid and you want to receive it by email, please email me at related2me@yahoo. com and I will put you on the newsletter email list for future newsletters.

Estes Family Association
Estes Park, Colorado 1859-2009
November 2009 - Issue 34

Family Celebrates Sesquicentennial of Estes Park
by Colleen Estes Cassell, Chairman

The Estes Family celebration of the Sesquicentennial (150 years) of Estes Park was a great success. The first item on the agenda was participation in the Estes Park Rooftop Rodeo Parade on July 7th. The theme of the parade was "Women of the West and the Men Who Loved Them." Who better to represent both parties than Patsey and Joel...
The Estes Park Museum curator, Derek Fortini, and Colleen set up a special display in the lobby of the museum using artifacts and pictures from the Estes Family...
We were all pleasantly surprised that in spite of deciding at the last minute to hold the reunion in July of 2009, we had the best turnout since our original in 1981...
...Thursday evening was a great success. Sandra Moravec and her husband and sisters, Frances Estes and Marjorie Lilley and their families once again hosted a Barbecue at Sandra's beautiful Estes Park home...
Friday, everyone showed up to have the group picture taken at the high school stadium. It turned out great!...
Following the picture taking, we had our potluck picnic...
Saturday afternoon, the museum arranged for a terrific slide show...
James Pickering, who has written several books about Estes Park- "This Blue Hollow", "America's Switzerland", "Estes Park Then and Now" presented the program...
...the reunion banquet was held at 5 p.m.
After our dinner, we held a short meeting...we found that the oldest family member was Marjorie Newman (86), who came from Torrington, Wyoming...our youngest attendee was Colleen's great grandson, Kellen Johnson, 11 months old, from Maple Valley, Washington...
The next reunion is planned for 2014. We voted to use just one color for the T-shirts next time...
On Sunday, about 30 people met at Mary's Lake Lodge for brunch.

--By the Numbers--
by Jack Estes
Reunion attendees came from 11 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming...
Five branches of the Joel Estes family were represented... : Milton, Martha Ann, Francis Marion, Newton, and Lovey. Next time, we need to work hard to get some other branches involved...

Help Wanted
The EFA newsletter can be printed more often and more informatively with your help. We'd like to distribute family news such as births, marriages and deaths to help you keep your genealogy records up to date. The newsletters are also more interesting if they included articles you have written, such as family reminiscences or reports of your genealogy research. Historian Kathy Garcia is anxious to record such information. This information is available to us only if you submit it. You can send it to any EFA officer, [see right-hand column for addresses]. So keep those cards and letters and photos coming!
...not everybody has a computer, and those who do sometimes change addresses, so we'd like to continue trying to reach you by U.S. mail...
Vice Chairman Rae Price has professional experience publishing newsletters, this issue is her first shot at improving our EFA product through editing and formatting. We hope you like it! [If you are not on the mailing list you missed out on a great newsletter!]

Financial Report
by Jack Estes
The Treasurer's report given at the reunion included: The current EFA mailing list is 77 households, 15 of which are behind in dues. Several households were dropped from the list after their dues became delinquent back into the 1990's or because their mail was returned with no forwarding address...

EFA dues
Estes Family Association dues are $15 per household. Please remit payment so we can continue to provide you information about the family. The dues are used for reunion deposits and expenses and newsletter postage.
Please send dues to Jack Estes (address in right column).

Address Changed?
Please help us keep accurate records by letting us know if your mailing address or e-mail address has changed.